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Re: SECURITY ALERT: Password protection bug in Netscape 2.0b3

] 	 I think you're getting the disk cache confused with Netscape's 
] 	 authentication.  Your demonstration page will not work correctly if
] 	 you flush the disk cache before attempting it.
] I don't have 2.0b3, so I can't try the demo, but you may be making a
] distinction without a difference.  The disk cache is, after all, on
] disk, and persists between sessions.

I seem to remember that some internet-draft or even RFC stated that
pages needing authorization must (should?) not be cached. If Netscape
2.0b3 would place the pages only in memory cache and not in disk cache
there was no problem, right?


Email: Wolfram.Schmidt@iat.fertigungstechnik.uni-stuttgart.de
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